General FAQs

  • It is probable that you or a family member has an account that has been classified as lost or forgotten by the state, which is why we are reaching out to you. Our purpose is to inform you that the account still exists.

  • We have access to public records tools through our licensing, which enables us to aid families, individuals, and businesses in retrieving their accounts.

  • There are millions of dollars in unclaimed assets in the USA, which include neglected bank accounts, uncashed checks, security deposits, credit balances, investment accounts, tax refunds, and other funds. These unclaimed assets are kept secure by the state.

  • We are not employed by any state office ; instead, we are a 3rd party that offers a service that assist families, individuals, and businesses in recovering their accounts. We offer a fantastic easy recovery service. We understand working with state agency’s can be a hassle. Let the pros handle it

  • While we cannot provide you with the exact source of the account, we can inform you about the specific Property Type code under which the account is categorized. A Property Type code is a 4-digit code that groups your account into a particular category. As you proceed further in the claim process, you will receive a claim form that will detail the original source of the funds and the date they were remitted to the state.

FAQs About NW Asset Rec

  • We are a licensed private investigation firm, and we can provide proof of our licensing through the DPSST. Click here to verify our credentials.

  • No we are not a scam. As a licensed firm with a track record of successfully handling numerous claims in the state of Oregon, we never ask for any upfront fees from our clients. Additionally, we assume responsibility for all legal fees associated with the claim process. Click here to learn more about our offer and services.

  • At NW Asset Reclamation, we operate on a contingency basis, meaning we only ask for a percentage of the value of the account. We will only receive this percentage after the claim has been fully paid out to our customers, ensuring that our interests are aligned with yours.

  • Partnering with NW Asset Reclamation can save you time and headache, as we have the necessary resources and Knowledge to handle your claims efficiently and effectively. You could represent yourself in a court of law, but should you?

FAQs about the claim process

  • The entity holding your or your family members' account is legally obligated to make one attempt to contact the rightful owner. However, if this attempt fails due to reasons such as a change of address, phone number, email, or death, the entity has no other option but to turn the account over to the state.

  • The duration of the claim process typically spans around 5 months, although this timeline can be influenced by both the time of year and level of motivation.

  • A claim form is a document provided by the state that serves as a detailed checklist of the documents required to release the account. It also discloses information such as who turned over the account and the date on which it was transferred to the state.